
Equestrian Equipment

Equestrian Equipment

The horse has always exerted a huge fascination in man and has been linked to humanity since the first modern humans (Homo Sapiens Archaic) began taming przewalski horses.

At first, just a leather blanket to minimize the inevitable wingsins on the legs of the knights. Then there should be a way to drive and keep the animal contained, even for your safety. As the horse was being more and more used, both for transport, as well as for work and sport, the equipment was emerging, first by the comfort of the riders, then by the animals.

The riding material industry has diversified, grew, became popular and has been able to offer products from the simplest to the most luxurious that has in common the passion that the horse inspires. covering not only the needs of riders as well as comfort and training, but also the protection and comfort of animals, aiming at beauty – both in the material used by horses and the clothing of riders in their various types of sport and of course, performance.

Currently we have countless items used in horse padding, differentiated, including by sport mode and, again, the comfort of riders and horses, including as a safety and performance factor.

According to data from 2019, the horse industry, creation, sports, food, hardware, riding material, clothing, medicines, etc. moved about R$ 16.5 billion a year in Brazil.

Outside Traders has access to the best manufactures in the US and definitely can help you to find a solution for your needs and your budget. Call now or Ask for an Estimate.

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